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Our Services

S trategy Area

• Corporate strategic planning
• Determination and/or adoption of the organization's purpose, vision and values
• Structuring department and position targets in line with the strategic plan of the organization
• Creating a Common Direction

F lows Area

Establishment and development of the needed and targeted system and processes.

(e.g. innovation system, performance system, in-house coaching-mentoring system)


D evelopment Area

• Developing a culture of development
(General or Thematic) Academy Establishment (e.g. sales academy, leadership academy)
• Establishment and implementation of Development Center
• Development of competencies
• Establishment of an internal coaching system
• Building effective teams

L eadership Area

• Determination and development of leadership model and competencies.



H uman Area

• Employee engagement development

• Establishment and implementation of an evaluation center

• Improving employee experience

C ulture Area

• Determining the current organizational culture
• Determining the desired and required corporate culture
• Transforming into the desired corporate culture


• Organizational Health Check-Up
• Ensuring alignment in S A G L I K Areas (e.g. strategy-culture-leadership alignment)
