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David MacAngus


Dave took his Dale Carnegie course in 1981 and has not been out of the classroom since, making that 40+ years with Dale Carnegie! Prior to Dale Carnegie Dave worked for the Caterpillar dealership in Saskatchewan. When he left the dealership he was in a junior management roll & had just completed the Dale Carnegie Course. His stages within Dale Carnegie were progressive starting in instruction & sales moving then into a territory manager and finally into ownership in 2007!

Connecting with people & hearing about their journey is one of Dave’s favourite parts of his job. Once the journey has been told and they explain the vision for their future he gets pumped knowing how he can help them going forward. Becoming a 5 course trainer has been one of Dave’s major accomplishments over his 40 years.

In his spare time his favourite thing to do is spend time with his grandkids. Being a grandfather and being able to watch his grandkids grow brings him so much joy.

What inspires Dave the most is people. Our class members have inspired him for over 40 years! They come in with a “I’m not sure I can” attitude and leave with a “I know I can” belief in themselves.  Dave feels truly blessed to be working with the people on his team.

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