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Leadership Training for Results: Unleash Talent in Others
Get the full set of capabilities that you need, and work through Dale Carnegie’s Leadership Success Model to get the most out of your team

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Người tham gia 1
Tháo ra
Thông tin giám sát (tùy chọn)

14 thg 9, 2024 - 28 thg 9, 2024
₮ 1.250.000
Ngày và giờ (HKT)
14 thg 9 - 28 thg 9
9:00 - 18:00
Ngôn ngữ
Vị trí:
Dale Carnegie Training Mongolia
Suite #802, 8th floor, Fides Tower, Gegeenten complex
Ulaanbaatar, ULAANBAATAR 17013