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Dale Carnegie partnered with Guerbet for the development of managerial and leadership skills of Guerbet ‘s global teams. We customized leadership training solutions for Guerbet’s teams around the world to transform the entire organization.


By the end of the training, Guerbet employees came away with a changed attitude as Guerbet leaders to work on their purpose of building lasting relationships to help people live better lives.


1. Leadership development to transform and reinvent Guerbet’s business. Five years from now, Guerbet wants half of their business to come from the growth initiatives that they've put in the pipeline. Guerbet aims to develop distinctly different levels of development for the 4 levels of leadership within the organization. The levels of development should be complementary in nature as well as lead to tangible results directly linked to the identified KPIs.

2. Attracting people to seek out Guerbet by creating a place where they're going to be challenged, grow, and really develop themselves. Guerbet’s conviction is that if they partner with key people that depend on Guerbet’s solutions, create new solutions, and leverage those to grow their business with a great group of people, they will be very successful.


Guerbet had 2 components in their transformation process: financial performance and health components. For the health component, it was all about how Guerbet transforms, leads, and brings Guerbet from what they have been to evolving them to where they need to go; and that was

leadership. To develop people and motivate people to learn and grow, Guerbet decided to leverage Dale Carnegie globally in their organization to provide leadership development training: 

  • 4 distinct leadership journeys differentiated by years of tenure and team size 
  • Flexibility for each journey to be delivered in person or online depending on pandemic restrictions
  • Cross-pollination of learning across the regions
  • Local language dependencies based on geography


"The feedback from the participants and leaders is amazing, Dale Carnegie was giving Guerbet employees practical topics. Dale Carnegie had a huge added value in helping us design what being a Guerbet leader means.” 

-Petra Zalabak, Guerbet HR VP

“From the program I’ve not only gained a new knowledge base from the particular subject, but I also gathered new perspectives from the other participants I get to interact with. I think one of the main takeaways I’ve gotten is that everyone sees things differently.  

Leadership starts from within, but works in the context of a group so one must be conscious of their interactions with others, as you never know who will be an important stake- holder along your journey. I’ve learned that leadership is a process and although it is the times of change that can be most difficult, it is learning to manage those transitions that can be most empowering in the long run.  

After attending the full program, I feel like I have been equipped with a leadership tool belt that has prepped me for my journey ahead. 

Developing perspectives, insights, and understanding about ourselves is crucial to leadership development. The provided structure and ideas helped developed skills related to getting the most out of oneself. Self-development has two main dimensions: self-awareness and self-management.” 

Guerbet - Gilberto Charpentier, Guerbet Global Salesforce Solution Manager