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Conflict Management

Om kursen

In a perfect world, rainbows would fill the skies, chocolate would have no calories and there would be no conflict. Sadly, the world is not perfect, and managers are required to resolve conflicts among associates, subordinates and peers. By listening empathetically, asking pertinent questions, evaluating the personalities and work styles involved, and determining the appropriate level of intervention, a prepared manager can resolve the strife without ever having to draw his sword.

Vad du kommer att lära dig

•Recognize the upside of conflict.•Analyze conflict within their organization. •Recognize their conflict response style. •Apply a variety of strategies for managing conflict.

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Varför du behöver lära dig det

Leaders who demonstrate certain principles create an environment where employees are motivated, not forced, to bring their best to work. Certain principles strengthen teamwork and trust, leading to a more cohesive, creative and constructive workforce. You’ll gain the skills to motivate teams, and what can be more valuable than that?

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Hur det kommer att hjälpa dig

You will maximise your own performance, become a stronger leader, and add more value to the organisation. Become a champion leader who strategically aligns organisational objectives with individual development goals so that both roads lead to breakthrough performance.

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