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Sales Training

How to Cold Call


Cold calling can be nerve-racking. As soon as the prospect figures out you're a sales person, the line might go dead, or if you luckier, you get the immediate response of "no budget" or "not now." But we all know that there is money to be made if a prospect sees real value in you and your offering. The challenge is to get your value proposition in front of the prospect in such a compelling way that keeps them on the line. This workshop shows you how to prospect to diverse clients and approach them in ways to form a lasting alliance.

O que você vai aprender

During this interactive workshop, you’ll work with an experienced instructor to take the stress out of cold-calls, improve your hit ratio, and deliver a prosperous value statement. Discover power phrases to gain appointments and gets prospects excited. Be poised and confident when cold calling and appeal to potential buyers’ needs, wants, and interests.

Por que você quer aprender

A sales executive who doesn’t prospect is like fisherman who doesn’t choose his bait. As you’ve probably heard a million times before, prospecting is a numbers game. But to win the game you need a strategic approach, an intriguing message, and an engaging attitude. Salespeople need to know and open the conversation in a way that leads to opportunities.

Como isso vai ajudar você

Building long-term, positive relationships with clients is a champion sales executive’s end game. But it takes clients in your pipeline, both existing and new prospects, to yield consistent results on your bottom line. Gain the courage, confidence, and skills to win and keep prospect’s attention, quickly.

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