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The Dale Carnegie Live Online Leadership Experience Phase One: How to Win Friends and Influence Business People

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This flagship program will help you achieve results by communicating professionally and confidently in business situations. Become effective expressing your ideas in ways that are heard, and will help you generate enthusiasm from managers, co-workers, stakeholders, and clients.

Hva du vil lære

In Phase One, you'll learn how to build trust and motivate people to act, communicate clearly and manage stress, change and worry. Phase One of a Multi-Phased Leadership Experience. Confidence and Relationships - How to Win Friends and Influence People * Strengthen Trust * Gain Cooperation * Inspire Other

Hvorfor du bør lære det

You'll be better equipped to perform as an influential communicator, problem-solver and focused leader. You'll learn to strengthen interpersonal relationships, manage stress and handle fast-changing workplace conditions. And you'll develop a take-charge attitude initiated with confidence and enthusiasm.

Hvordan det vil hjelpe deg

You will tackle complex challenges, expand your ingenuity, and excel in building team harmony. Use the new skills to become a more persuasive communicator, securing your place as a valued contributor. As you become more adept at influencing, you’ll find yourself inspiring others to take initiative and innovate.

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