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Presentation & Facilitation Skills for Trainers and HR Professionals

Om oss

Presentations and training are an essential part of your job. Becoming an expert in presentations and facilitation will increase your credibility and help you to skillfully impact your listeners.

Hva du vil lære

1) Increasing Trainer Credibility2) Handling Confrontational Questions3) State Opinions with Credibility & Disagreeing Agreeably4) Become More Persuasive and Motivate Others5) Incorporate Presentation and Facilitation Industry Best Practices

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Hvorfor du bør lære det

Becoming an expert in presentations and facilitation is one of the fastest ways for you to promote yourself and advance your HR career.

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Hvordan det vil hjelpe deg

This seminar will help you to be seen as an expert in presentations and facilitation within your organization to advance your career.

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