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Organizational Development

Free Seminar - Developing a High Performing Team

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Businesses require high performing teams to maintain their competitive advantage. This 2 hour seminar will look at the attributes of high performing teams and show you practical and effective ways to build them in your organisation.

Hva du vil lære

How to recognise the leader’s role as a motivator and develop a greater awareness of the needs that drive people.You'll be able to align individual motivations with organisational goals and capitalise on individual strengths to take teams to higher levels of performance.You'll also learn to realise the impact recognition has on morale and retention.

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Hvorfor du bør lære det

Rarely are great business accomplishments the work of one individual. High performing teams are essential to achieving outstanding organisational performance especially during periods of uncertainty and change.

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Hvordan det vil hjelpe deg

Successful teams have a shared goal and an understanding of how each team member's strengths can make that goal a reality. When they are committed and engaged they deliver high level performance, solve problems and are open to new ideas and change.

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