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The DaleCarnegie Public Speaking Course

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Dale Carnegie wrote the book on public speaking, with techniques that turned nervous beginners into confident professionals who communicate with assuredness. Now you and your colleagues can tap into those techniques designed specifically for people with little or no public speaking experience. You’ll start with the basics like getting to know your audience and planning your speeches; then you’ll be ready to stand and deliver, using your voice, gestures, and ideas to create impactful presentations.

Hva du vil lære

Using a fail-proof outline, you’ll learn to research and organise your presentations. Practice speaking with conviction and confidence, using voice techniques and gestures for impact. Discover methods for handling hecklers and navigating Q&As with ease.

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Hvorfor du bør lære det

Public speaking ability is a key ingredient to success in any profession. This course is an odyssey of self-improvement. Through video, you will witness your nervousness melt away while watching yourself progress from a novice to a polished and confidant communicator!

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Hvordan det vil hjelpe deg

Through personal direction, you’ll not only master skills, you’ll discover and refine your presentation style. You’ll even be able to watch this style develop through videotapes of your presentations. And the videotape is yours to keep and use when you find yourself in need of a refresher course!

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