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Reduce Holiday Stress and Recapture Seasonal Joy

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Paradoxical as this may seem, the exhilarating feelings one experiences during the holiday season can also cause anxiety for millions. These emotional demands coupled with year-end responsibilities can tax the human spirit. Making a conscious effort to understand obstacles and overcome pressures may yield more realistic expectations. This free workshop will focus on valuable ways to simplify the season and make it more meaningful.

Hva du vil lære

Reducing Holiday stress and recapturing seasonal joy is an interactive two-hour workshop that focuses on reducing the “burn-out” that so many of us experience this time of year. It is about making good choices by uncovering valuable ways to simplify the season, and make it more meaningful both personally and professionally.

Hvorfor du bør lære det

Experiencing anxiety and stress when dealing with year-end responsibilities, shopping pitfalls, demanding schedules, family expectations, loneliness and other emotional demands can tax the human spirit. Adopting a realistic outlook and learning Dale Carnegie principles of “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” can help reduce some of the chaos and create more seasonal joy.

Hvordan det vil hjelpe deg

By understanding the obstacles and overcoming the pressures can yield more realistic expectations so we can experience a season that is productive, memorable, and meaningful.

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