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People Skills

Present with Impact

Om oss

In his book, The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking, Dale Carnegie says that people evaluate you in four ways: what you say, how you say it, what you do, and how you do it. Presenting with impact means you use every resource available to communicate with credibility and confidence. This includes the wide spectrum of visual support tools available. It also includes you. The most important part of any communication is how you present yourselves. You are the message.

Hva du vil lære

You learn how to open with impact to create a positive first impression and close with power to leave a lasting final image.

Hvorfor du bør lære det

To become good facilitators and use a variety of evidence to support your key points and link the message together to communicate with logic and precision.

Hvordan det vil hjelpe deg

You will establish trust, credibility, and respect with listeners. Clarify the key points of a message.Understand the variety of support tools that strengthen a message. Finally, open and close sessions with impact.

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