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People Skills

Entrepreneurs Leadership Boot Camp

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This unique three-day seminar designed specifically for entrepreneurs and executives will help you master the skills you need to excel in todays business world.

Hva du vil lære

Youll learn to handle people more professionally and keep pace with fast-changing workplace conditions. After you complete the seminar youll be equipped to perform as a persuasive communicator, creative problem solver and intelligent risk-taker.

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Hvorfor du bør lære det

This seminar will help you master the skills you need to excel in todays workplace. Youll learn to handle people more professionally and keep pace with fast-changing workplace conditions. This course is optimal for people who aspire to become champions in their profession!

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Hvordan det vil hjelpe deg

Upon completion, you’ll feel revitalized, equipped with a new vision for the future. What’s more, you’ll leave with a plan for implementing that fresh vision with the verve and vigor needed to perform on today’s center stage. Consider it 3 days of career rehabilitation!

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