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Sales Training

Dale Carnegie Sales Training Winning with Relationship Selling: Free Session

See how to build successful client relationships and achieve sales success.
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Relationships close sales. Relationships drive referrals. Relationships create repeat customers. See how to build successful client relationships and achieve sales success.

Hva du vil lære

Establishing quality professional relationships is one of the few ways left for a sales professional to set themselves apart from the competition. By building trust, establishing credibility, and effectively communicating you will have more likelihood of winning business, retaining clients, and expanding opportunities for more deals.

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Hvorfor du bør lære det

Relationships create results. Trusted relationships lead to positive outcomes; 77% of people will provide referrals, only 17% will buy from your competition, and most importantly 81% of customers will buy from you again.

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Hvordan det vil hjelpe deg

Build the attitudes and skills needed in today’s ultra-informed selling environment. Focus on the things that really matter to the customer. Use trusted relationships to meet and exceed your sales quotas. Join us for Winning with Relationship Selling: Free Session

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