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Scaling Success Through Trust and Transparent Leadership with Nolan Farris

Episode Summary

A facilitator of growth, Nolan Farris shares how to scale success through transparent coaching, exceptional leadership, and a simplified focus.

Episode Notes

Episode 11 | February 16, 2021 | 35 minutes

As the Chief Revenue Officer of Indeed, Nolan Farris touts a wealth of experience facilitating growth for companies by empowering their greatest asset: People. In this episode, Nolan offers advice on how to scale success through transparent coaching that motivates potential in others – even when it comes to the hard stuff. We explore the role of the manager as a “bridge builder” and how to earn trust and inspire growth through exceptional, people-centric leadership, a simplified focus, and an open, fun environment. 

Show Contributors

Joe Hart, President/CEO, Dale Carnegie & Associates
Nolan Farris, Chief Revenue Officer, Indeed

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