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The Dale Carnegie Women's Leadership Academy

관련 정보

As companies compete for talent today, it's important to focus on retaining and promoting from within as the most effective way to plan for succession. This program is specifically designed to develop women leaders to be innovative, solve problems, work across disciplines and get outside the silos to create organizational results.

교육 내용

* Develop Confidence and Skills of a Leader* Create a Personal Vision as a Leader* Uncover your Unique Leadership Style* Learn to Build Trust, Credibility & Respect in your organization* Develop an Executive Presence to be seen as a leaders* Use LIstening Skills for boosting communication* Learn to Communicate with Diplomacy & Tact* Deal with Difficult Team Members* Analyze Problems & Make Decisions that support Innovation* Perfect Impactful Presentation Skills* Communicate to LEad

교육 목적

When you communicate with confidence and authority, building meaningful and impactful relationships that drive business results, you'll position yourself for more complex jobs, and promotion.

교육 효과

Become a confident, intentional leader

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제공하신 정보는 당사의 약관에 따라 사용됩니다 개인 정보 정책.