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Managing Workplace Stress

This course explores different strategies for handling stress.
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Working in today’s competitive environment can take a toll on your mental health. The many challenges you face can easily elevate your stress levels, so it’s important to learn how to cope effectively. People who can manage their stress levels well, and bring an optimistic outlook to the workplace are far more likely to accomplish their objectives. So… “Don’t worry, be happy!”

교육 내용

This course explores different strategies for handling stress. Learn how to work with team members to make your work environment less taxing. Examine ways to transform negative energy into positive opportunities!

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교육 목적

High levels of stress can bring productivity to a screeching halt. With a solid understanding of the causes of stress and how to combat it, you then have the ability to have a positive effect on the outcome. And positive outcomes are the goal, right?

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교육 효과

You’ll be prepared to face the pressures of work in more productive ways. Remember “Calgon, take me away”? Consider this course your own personal, executive level Calgon. This course is designed to address and eliminate your high stress levels, without the bathtub.

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