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Persuade the Brain, Not the Person

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There is a scientific explanation for why people reject reasonable offerings. The brain’s reaction to new ideas is driven by instincts, emotions, and logic. Interestingly, the instinctual and emotional brain parts mostly overrule the thinking brain. In other words, neuroscience is firmly holding that humans do not predominantly behave based on reason. Dale Carnegie said over 100 years ago:“When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.”

Che cosa imparerai

This workshop answers three questions:How does the brain react to new ideas?How does the brain perceive new ideas as threats or rewards?How can we make our audience’s brain perceive our ideas as a reward & not a threat?

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Perché vuoi impararlo

Join this interactive, fun, and informative workshop and begin to see persuasion from a completely new perspective.

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In che modo ti aiuterà

Discover what the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience say about how the brain is persuaded. Experience a transformation which is based on the latest neuroscience findings.

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