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Leading Employee Engagement

Gli argomenti dei corsi includono anche:
Leadership, Sviluppo organizzativo
Informazioni su

The bottom line for engagement is that leaders matter. As a leader you have more control over your employees' engagement levels than any other contributing factor - - Even more than money! You are the biggest determining factor of your team's willingness to go the extra mile or even stay with your company.

Che cosa imparerai

You will learn what drives employee engagement and why the leader's role is critical. Discover ways to create a value-driven workplace to inspire discretionary effort and team success. See how to strengthen engagement levels through person-centered leadership strategies. Learn a model for providing meaningful praise and recognition to maintain high performance.

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Perché vuoi impararlo

11 Billion dollars is lost annually due to employee turnover.

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In che modo ti aiuterà

Companies with engaged employees out perform those without by up to 202%

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