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Communicate for Success (Spanish Program)

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In this course participants will identify their own strengths and weaknesses in order to take control of their actions and feelings.  Then they can focus on understanding others and use effective approaches to build relationships.

Che cosa imparerai

1. Understand and apply the cycle for growth and change2. Apply effective approaches to deal with different types of communicators3. Engage others with a proven questioning model4. Identify personal hot buttons and our role in disagreements5. Apply a formula for stating opinions and disagreeing in an agreeable way

Perché vuoi impararlo

This program will help participants create a personal vision and establish a foundation for personal growth and achievement.

In che modo ti aiuterà

The most successful people today have fundamental communication skills. This course will give Spanish speaking participants the tools needed to develop those skills.

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Select the best option for you:
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I dati saranno trattati nel rispetto della normativa in materia di privacy policy.