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Leadership Essentials: Delegation & Coaching

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This course focuses on specific techniques needed for delegating a task or project, coaching for success and engaging employees to put forth maximum “discretionary effort.”

Che cosa imparerai

Learn to plan and prepare a delegation meeting, delegate tasks and responsibilities and communicate clear performance standards for follow up and accountability. Understand the difference between supportive and directive coaching, how different personality styles will respond, and how to apply directive coaching to close behavior gaps. This program will demonstrate how to coach to create buy-in to achieve results.

Perché vuoi impararlo

Putting your team in a position to succeed and maintain performance standards pays off in more capable employees and time saved.

In che modo ti aiuterà

You will demonstrate the delegation process to train and develop valuable team members while maintaining accountability and control. This program will give you the tools to get the best out of your team.

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