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Managers Matter

Ávinningur af þessari hvítbók

Employee engagement translates to superior performance. Knowing how managers act as the catalyst for engagement provides organizations with further insight on how to move the needle on employment engagement levels - and realize the bottom line benefits.

Það sem þú lærir

The immediate supervisor performs a pivotal role. Learn about the three relationship-centered practices managers can do daily to improve the engagement of their teams and foster positive working environments.

Af hverju þarftu að læra það?

Employees don’t leave companies; they leave their manager. Through practical steps and some emotional intelligence, immediate supervisors can become the key to driving employee motivation, morale, and satisfaction to new levels, along with retention rates, customer satisfaction scores, and revenue.

Það sem þú ættir að gera við það

Use the findings to guide coaching conversations with supervisors or to inform your own leadership development.

Managers Matter
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