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Organizational Development

Emotional Intelligence: Communicate and Relate to Different Personality Styles

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Behavioral psychologists have researched the theory that people's behavior can be roughly classified in four groups. By recognizing your dominant style and developing the ability to identify traits in others, you can use Emotional Intelligence to change your behavior to interact with a wide variety of personalities and tendencies.

Það sem þú lærir

1) Identify their own personality style and how they react under pressure2) Modify their behaviors to better connect with people of different styles3) Influence the attitudes and behaviors of others

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Af hverju er það mikilvægt

Emotional Intelligence will help you practice active listening and interpersonal skills to create harmony in stressful situations and bring people together who otherwise may be separated by their differences.

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This Emotional Intelligence workshop helps you to see things from multiple points of view, how actions impact others, and what you can do to affect collaboration.

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