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Sales Training

Sales Essentials


The Sales Essentials seminar addresses the most common challenges that sales professionals face today. First, learn how to prospect more effectively and get in front of potential customers. Next, we examine the types of questions necessary and how to present important facts about your product / service that will grab the attention of your prospect. Last, we review a referral process which will promote the growth of your business, thus ensuring your future success.

Það sem þú lærir

1. Cold Call with Confidence.
2. Provide Solutions with Impact
3. Handle Objections Confidently
Double Sales with Referrals

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Af hverju er það mikilvægt

You will learn how to get past the gatekeeper, ask questions to get your prospects interested, provide compelling solutions, and handle objections with confidence. The Sales Essentials seminar gives you the basic tools to be more effective and successful in your sales career.

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Sales people have to have a plan to navigate the sales environment in today's competitive landscape. The Sales Essentials seminar will help turn you into a sales trailblazer.

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