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How to Win Friends and Influence Business People

Learn to delegate effectively, resolve conflict, and give constructive feedback that doesn’t ruffle feathers.

Interpersonal relationships are as important as ever in today’s business world, but it can be difficult to balance strong leadership and likeability. Dale Carnegie’s methods will help you build relationships based on trust and accountability. This comprehensive, 4-week series of three hour sessions teaches you to communicate professionally and confidently in any business situation.

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In this highly collaborative learning environment, you will learn to demonstrate time-honored leadership principles, gain commitment from others, and explore proven strategies for expressing your ideas in ways they are heard and accepted. Discover the value of cooperating with others by keeping your attitude in check. Learn to delegate effectively, resolve conflict, and give constructive feedback that doesn’t ruffle feathers.

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Winning friends and influencing people in business is, quite simply, the single most important thing that you can do to excel in the workplace. And Dale Carnegie literally wrote the book on it. He put the P in people skills, and if you would like to benefit from his proven practices, then this is a course that you must not miss!

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Since 1912, business professionals have turned to Dale Carnegie's powerful books and winning interactive seminars to reach new levels of professional and personal success. This pioneer of people skills essentially created and set the standard for interpersonal effectiveness. If you are striving to transform interpersonal business relationships and improve personal performance, this is the course for you!

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