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Developing a Self-Confident, Assertive Attitude: The Key to Middle School Success


This interactive program will help 6th, 7th, & 8th grade school children see themselves as others see them. Our expert coaches will guide your middle schooler toward building on their strengths while helping them overcome their weaknesses. And the coaches will create a safe, supportive environment in which your middle schooler's new found confidence and assertiveness can really flourish.

Það sem þú lærir

1. Self-Confidence2. Communication3. Leadership4. Conflict Management

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Af hverju er það mikilvægt

Developing a self-confident, assertive attitude is the key to a smooth transition from elementary school to middle school. This program will help your child gain the assurance they need to speak up, make their point and win friends.

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Skrá mig á þetta námskeið

Children attending this program will gain critical life skills needed in today's world to reach their full potential.

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