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Teen Leadership and Communication Course


In this course, teenagers will focus on developing the skills needed in this day of increase technology. The focus will be on critical life skills such as; Self-Confidence, Communication Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Leadership Skills, and Managing Stress.

Það sem þú lærir

1. Building Self-Confidence2. Enhancing Communication Skills3. Interpersonal Skill Development4. Teamwork and Leadership Skills5. Effective Attitude Management

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Af hverju er það mikilvægt

Teenagers today often need to balance school, work and relationships while at the same time, working and planning for their future. This course can help teens become more confident and better able to cope with the pressure and stress adolescents face.

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Skrá mig á þetta námskeið

The most successful people today have fundamental soft skills. This course will give you the tools needed to develop those skills.

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