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Organizational Development

Goal Setting & Time Management


Goal Setting and Time Management is valuable to anyone who would like to increase their results and maximize their effectiveness. Without a clear defined vision we can wander aimlessly though our careers. In this session you will learn to create a personal vision, set goals, identify priorities and review the fundamental tools for effective time management.

Það sem þú lærir

1. Describe a vision and set goals in clear, specific, compelling manner2. Identify the steps necessary to transform your vision into action3. Implement time utilization tools

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Af hverju er það mikilvægt

Creating a vision and setting goals gprovodes a long-term objective with short-term motivation. Effectively managing your time helps you to stay on track to achieve your goals.

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Skrá mig á þetta námskeið

This seminar helps you to focus your activities and organize your time and your resources so that you can make the very most of your life.

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