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Organizational Development

Adjust to Change

In this two-hour workshop, you’ll discover the aspects of workplace change that are within your control.

In today’s rapidly shifting work environments, it’s not enough to adapt to change, we need to embrace it. When we enjoy the opportunity that the change presents, adjusting is easy. It’s when we resist change, focusing on the negative aspects instead of the benefits, that we find ourselves in need of a corporate attitude adjustment! This course will enable you to take a creative and energetic approach to adapting to change.

Það sem þú lærir

In this two-hour workshop, you’ll discover the aspects of workplace change that are within your control. Commit to modifying your work patterns to more successfully meet the challenges change brings. Examine a change model and determine ways to adapt your attitude to approach times of transition positively and productively.

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Af hverju er það mikilvægt

In the words of Sam Cooke, “A Change is Gonna Come”. There’s no stopping it. So the sooner you learn how to embrace change, the sooner you’ll be driving positive outcomes in your career.

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Skrá mig á þetta námskeið

People and processes evolve differently when change occurs. You will become more aware of how you and others react to change. Apply methods for modifying your personal patterns and attitudes to make any transition a smooth one.

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