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Dream Big, Focus Small: Achieve Smarter Goals

You’ll learn how to identify the goals that are most important for your success, both in work and in life.
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We all set goals for ourselves, in both our personal and professional lives. Sometimes, we rise above all challenges and achieve great things; other times, we give up or fall short. The key to achieving our goals lies in being clear about what we really want. This live online course will help you develop SMARTER goals, and achieve them step by step.

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You’ll learn how to identify the goals that are most important for your success, both in work and in life. With laser-like focus, you’ll pinpoint the small steps that lead to big results. Through this course, you’ll explore 10 tips to help you reach your aspirations the SMART way.

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Af hverju er það mikilvægt

This fast-paced, interactive course will improve your consistency in reaching your goals. Say goodbye to feelings of failure and falling short—learn the SMARTER way to set goals and realize great results. You’ll surprise yourself with just how much you can accomplish!

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This course will give you a clear vision of the success that lies at your doorway, and the encouragement to take the first step. Everyone loves to dream big, but successful leaders know how to pace their progress. Overcome any barrier on your path to realizing your dreams.

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