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Sales Training

Appeal to Buyer Motives to Close More Sales

This one-hour virtual class will teach you how to gain commitment by closely evaluating buyer perspectives through all phases of the sale.

Effective sales professionals can recognize, accurately interpret, and respond appropriately to these signals. Often customers seem convinced that our solution can help them, yet they hesitate to commit. This course helps sales professionals create a sense of urgency by truly understanding the emotions behind why customers engage with you from the start.

Það sem þú lærir

An over-emphasis on closing can lead to strained buyer relationships. This one-hour virtual class will teach you how to gain commitment by closely evaluating buyer perspectives through all phases of the sale. Learn to create urgency that gets to the heart of a buyer's emotional motive, and build relationships so you can ask for the sale with confidence.

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Af hverju er það mikilvægt

Throughout the sale, you’re on stage, and buyers are continually evaluating your performance. Simultaneously, they’re communicating with you too, either verbally, physically or emotionally. If you learn to recognize responses early, as either objections that need to be addressed or buying signals urging you to ask for a commitment, you will pave the way for a comfortable and seamless close.

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Skrá mig á þetta námskeið

As you near the end of the sales cycle, it becomes important to create a sense of urgency for the buyer so you can find a natural way to ask for the commitment. By demonstrating what the buyer needs and painting a clear picture of how your solution will resolve those needs, you create the perfect opportunity to ask for the business.

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