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People Skills

Critical Thinking

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Analyzing problems and making deliberate yet timely decisions are factors that ultimately determine the success or failure of an organization. This 1-day program provides a step-by-step guide through all the essential steps of the Critical Thinking Process.

Það sem þú lærir

1. Utilize "red light" and "green light" thinking 2. Generate ideas using an Affinity Diagrams 3. Identify the root cause of a problem 4. Use idea fluency to generate creative solutions 5. Exercise deductive and inductive reasoning 6. Test the soundness of assumptions 7. Organize thoughts using a logic tree 8. Compare ideas with a decision-making matrix 9. Practice various methods for group decision-making

Af hverju er það mikilvægt

Critical thinking is rapidly becoming an essential skill for success in today’s workplace. Although it comes naturally for some, critical thinking is an ability that anyone can learn and practice. This program will give you the tools you need in today's workplace.

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Once learned, critical thinking skills will last a lifetime and provide you with a solid foundation to generate creative ideas and reach effective solutions.

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