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Negotiations: A Human Relations Approach

You will practice methods to uncover and appeal to the different interests that are revealed during the negotiation process.

Negotiations require listening to others carefully, and observing their actions and reactions. Understanding which issues are the most important to your client or colleague is critical in developing a solution that is acceptable to both parties. With a clear understanding of the other person’s desires, you can partner to develop a solution that builds trust and lasting relationships.

Apa yang akan akan pelajari

In this workshop, you will practice methods to uncover and appeal to the different interests that are revealed during the negotiation process. Discover where negotiations break down, and how listening and asking questions to uncover needs of others brings you back to center. You’ll create open-ended power questions for establishing each negotiator’s needs and you will apply strategies to move to agreement.

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Mengapa Anda ingin mempelajarinya

Analysis of the stakes is necessary for preparing a strategy that aligns your counterpart’s needs with your own objectives. By doing so, you can avoid confrontation and instead, engage in a collaborative conversation to arrive at a solution that is mutually beneficial. Everyone’s happy!

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Bagaimana ini akan membantu Anda

You will learn to build rapport by analyzing the actions, needs and agendas of all parties. Apply effective strategies for presenting alternatives, bargaining, and finalizing agreements so that all parties are satisfied. By doing so, you’ll increase the likelihood of future interactions and strengthened partnerships.

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