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Leadership Training for Results: Unleash Talent in Others


Employees are looking to you, as their manager, to solve problems, guide them through change, and grow their careers. Employees are looking to you to inspire them and instill confidence, all while facilitating teamwork and collaboration. They need you to empower them to get the work done and engage them so they go the extra mile. To be a successful leader in today’s workplace you must bring the right set of skills and attitudes to engage, retain, and achieve results through your team. Leadership Training for Results: Unleash Talent in Others teaches you this skill set.

Mit fog elsajátítani

Dale Carnegie’s unique relationship-centered approach to leadership development provides you with a comprehensive toolkit that will help you become the type of leader required in today’s workforce. This program combines the crucially important hard skills and proven behaviors that leaders need, while also focusing on adopting the right attitudes required to be an engaging leader.

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Miért érdemes megtanulni

Your employees need a lot! The demand is tremendous! That means that to be a successful leader in today’s workplace you must bring the right set of skills and attitudes to engage, retain, and achieve results through your team.

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Miben fog ez Önnek segíteni

Get the full set of capabilities that you need, and work through Dale Carnegie’s Leadership Success Model to get the most out of your team. Join us for Leadership Training for Results: Unleash Talent in Others!

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