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Organizational Development

Creating a Successful Corporate Culture

A kurzus témái a következőket is tartalmazzák:
Kapcsolatépítési készségfejlesztés

Backed by original, international research, participants will find opportunities to compare their own organizations cultures with organizations that have high-performing cultures.

Mit fog elsajátítani

1)Discover the findings from a study recently conducted by Dale Carnegie on corporate culture2)Explore emerging workplace developments and their impact on corporate culture3)Examine critical areas of focus for improving corporate culture

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Miért érdemes megtanulni

This business briefing will help participants understand the impact of culture on an organizations success. Participants will see clear steps that should be taken to ensure their organizations are developing a high-performing cultures.

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Miben fog ez Önnek segíteni

This briefing will help participant strengthen their organization's corporate culture.

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