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Leading Remote Teams


More people are working from home than ever before. Working remotely has many advantages, but there are some challenges as well. Employees working at home often experience lack of focus, loneliness, even depression. Leaders need to support our remote teams, and hold them accountable for results, just as if they were in the office with us. How we accomplish this may look very different from what we are used to. This is an interactive webinar and your participation is important. Please make sure your computer has speakers and a microphone. A headset with a microphone, or a set of earbuds is recommended to keep background noise to a minimum.

מה תלמדו

In this 90-minute, interactive webinar you will learn how to maintain productivity and performance standards, keep teams engaged and motivated, minimize distractions and stay focused and build professional relationships.

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מדוע תרצו ללמוד זאת

In the wake of the coronavirus, many companies are restricting travel and encouraging employees to work from home. If this has not impacted you already, it may impact you soon. As a leader you need to do your part to prepare for any situation and minimize the impact on your customers, your organization and your people.

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כיצד זה יסייע לכם

At the conclusion of this webinar you will have a better understanding of what you can do to prepare yourself and your team should you be forced to work remotely.

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