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Present with Impact

This hour is dedicated to presenting you with options for taking your presentation from zero to hero!

The power of your presentation can mean the difference between success and failure. This interactive, one-hour live webinar examines the visual, vocal, and verbal components of a presentation that will generate the most significant impact on your audience. This hour is dedicated to presenting you with options for taking your presentation from zero to hero!

מה תלמדו

Participants will be introduced to seven proven approaches for delivering presentations that leave lasting impressions. Learn about structure, content, and delivery, and how those three factors work together for increased impact. Be shown the necessity of planning and receive a Presentation Planning Worksheet to help maximize effectiveness of all future presentations.

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מדוע תרצו ללמוד זאת

Your success depends upon your ability to persuade others. A properly executed presentation will accomplish that goal. Solid communication skills are essential for elevating you above your competition.

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כיצד זה יסייע לכם

Strong presentation skills will enable you to drive your message home. Whether your goal is to market, to influence, or to motivate. Your presentation strategy is a critical component for reaching your goal. You’ll see measurable gains in communication skills, personal and corporate image, and ultimately, your bottom line.

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לא מצאת תאריך שמתאים לך? רוצה שתוכנית זו תסופק לארגון או לצוות שלך? צור איתנו קשר לקבלת מידע נוסף.
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