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Lead with Influence: Self-Assessment

Intérêt de cet livre électronique

Discover actionable insights that will transform your approach to leadership.  Elevate your ability to use positive influence to create buy-in, manage through change, and lead without authority.  Learn where you are on your leadership journey and get key action steps to take your career or team to the next level.

Ce que vous apprendrez

The Lead with Influence Self-Assessment provides a personal evaluation of your leadership potential and ability to influence within your organization. By uncovering your strengths and potential areas for growth, you'll gain a better understanding of areas for professional development.

Pourquoi vous en avez besoin

Positive influence combined with strong leadership skills is essential for organizational success. This assessment equips you with the knowledge begin to maximize your leadership potential by strengthening relationships with stakeholders, and driving positive change within your organization.

Quelle utilité pour vous

Begin your future leadership journey. Prioritize areas for your growth and start the shift from subject matter expert or emerging leader into a leader who can drive influence through your entire organization or team.

Lead with Influence: Self-Assessment
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