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Organizational Development

Dale Carnegie Leadership Experience Bundle

L'atelier inclut aussi les sujets suivants:
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À propos

Grow your capacity through a multi-phasedpractice & coaching development experience. This four program Leadership Experience will move you through a comprehensive series of group coaching programs designed to build your ability to inspire, communicate, influence and engage at every level.

Ce que vous apprendrez

In Phase 1, the Dale Carnegie Course, you'll learn how to build trust and motivate people to act, communicate clearly and manage stress.In Phase 2, Leadership Training for Managers, you'll discover how to build a culture of engagement.In Phase 3, Leadership & Influence, you'll establish trust, credibility, and communicate your value by focusing on customer-centric solutions.In Phase 4, High Impact Presentations, you'll become a master of clarity, learning to communicate to any audience with certainty, simplicity, and credibility.

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Pourquoi vous voulez l’apprendre

You'll be better equipped to perform as an influential communicator, problem-solver and focused leader. You'll be able to sell yourself and your ideas through highly focused communication strategies. You'll develop a team that's motivated and accountable. You'll strengthen interpersonal relationships, manage stress and handle fast-changing workplace conditions. And you'll develop a take-charge attitude initiated with confidence and enthusiasm.

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Comment cela va vous aider

You will tackle complex challenges, expand your ingenuity, and excel in building team harmony. By mastering Dale Carnegie's proven influence, communication and relationship techniques, you'll rise as a leader no matter your role. You'll use the new skills to become a more persuasive communicator, securing your place as a valued contributor. As you become more adept at influencing, you’ll find yourself inspiring others to take initiative and innovate. Going up? It's your time to shine.

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Date et heure (HNC)
1 janv. 2025 - 1 sept. 2026
0 h 00 - 0 h 00
En ligne interactif
US$ 6 000
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Proposé parNebraska & South Dakota
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Select the best option for you:
Toute langue
Date et heure (HNC)
1 janv. 2025 - 1 sept. 2026
0 h 00 - 0 h 00
En ligne interactif
US$ 6 000
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Plus de détails sur l'événement+
Proposé parNebraska & South Dakota
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