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Sales Training

Sales Negotiation Skills: Bargaining/Agreement & Collaborate to Win

À propos

Some people love the bargaining phase of negotiations because of the thrill of the chase that creates an interesting give and take. Others love the excitement of competition, the challenge to get the best possible deal, the feeling of pitting skills and experience against the other party, or the recognition that comes with winning. Other people dislike bargaining. They don't enjoy the confrontation, competition, and feeling like they are losing. When you get to the final agreement in a negotiation, you want to both sides to feel that they got a fair deal and be willing do business together again.

Ce que vous apprendrez

In this seminar, you will learn to identify ideal, realistic, and fallback positions for both parties, so you will know the scope of your negotiation points. You will analyze classic negotiations tactics to determine which tactics you could apply and how to respond to tactics from the other side. You will address four principles to manage your reactions, before taking the last steps to finalize a win-win agreement.

Pourquoi vous voulez l’apprendre

Analysis of the stakes is necessary for preparing a strategy that aligns your counterpart’s needs with your own objectives. By doing so, you can avoid confrontation and instead, engage in a collaborative conversation to arrive at a solution that is mutually beneficial. Everyone’s happy!

Comment cela va vous aider

You will learn to build rapport by analyzing the actions, needs and agendas of all parties. Apply effective strategies for presenting alternatives, bargaining, and finalizing agreements so that all parties are satisfied. By doing so, you’ll increase the likelihood of future interactions and strengthened partnerships.

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