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AI: Preparing People for Human-Machine Partnerships of the Future

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The Dale Carnegie AI Workshop is designed to bring leaders together to learn about, reflect on and discuss recent research and current ideas related to AI and its expected impact on the workforce. In it, we present our latest research into attitudes about AI. We explore the skills that will be needed to maximize the human-machine partnership of the future and lay out what C-Level, HR, and L&D professionals who have plans to implement AI in their own organizations can do to help ensure its success.

Lo que aprenderás

We’ll review key research from outside experts about the impact AI is expected to have on the workplace as well as new findings from Dale Carnegie & Associates on employees’ attitudes toward AI and its use in specific applications. We’ll also share the skills needed for people to work most effectively alongside AI and three imperatives that should be part of plans to prepare people when undergoing digital transformation of any kind.

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¿Por qué quieres aprenderlo?

Achieving the full potential of AI depends on a successful partnership between humans and machines. As organizations introduce AI and other forms of technology, it’s critical for leaders to have a clear understanding of how it will impact people and how to prepare them.

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Cómo te ayudará

Even if you’re not deploying artificial intelligence now, developing insights into how to encourage employees to become advocates can benefit any major change initiative on your horizon.

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