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The Dale Carnegie Course: Your Questions and Answers by Michael Shaw


What is the Dale Carnegie Course all about and is it suitable for our company and staff?

The DCC focuses heavily on these specific areas:

1.      Building Greater Self Confidence – participants are confident in certain areas but there are usually other tasks or activities that are outside of their comfort zone. By expanding comfort zones & confidence, capabilities grow.

2.     Strengthening People Skills – the ability to connect with others is critical in business to engage staff, customers, and suppliers. Growth in this area can be transformational both at work and home.

3.     Enhance Communication Skills – communication is a key part of business whether one on one or to a group. Most problems or mistakes are caused by poor communication.

4.     Develop Leadership Skills – we need leaders who can gain willing cooperation to get things done and implement positive change. The ability to engage and encourage others to step up and learn new tasks is essential for business growth or improvement.

5.     Reduce Stress and Improve our Attitude – stress reduces effectiveness, increases mistakes, absenteeism, and costs. As responsibilities increase leaders need the ability to control their mindset, resolve conflict and solve problems.

Each of these areas is interrelated. An improvement in one area will improve effectiveness in the others. The training is process that provides a holistic approach to professional development.


What does the Dale Carnegie Course cost and is it good value?

In the BOP and Waikato, the program is $2995+GST per person. The Dale Carnegie Course is registered with the Management Capability Development Fund. Find out more by visiting Companies with less than 50 full time employees are often successful with their application, recieving up to 50% funding.

The course is 30min one on one assessment and commitment session.

Three full in-person days with 14-24 other participants. One 90minute on-line graduation session. This includes 12month access to the Evolve Learning Management System which provides course materials and other resources.


Value depends on application. Most people, through the training and interaction with the other participants become aware of how their attitudes, words and actions effect themselves and others and change the way they think about and approach situations as a result. We see breakthrough change in behavior relatively quickly over the 4-week period with participants changing the way they see themselves. This results in happier more engaged staff and clients. Participants work on a business improvement project which usually provides excellent return on investment. We have over 1000 project examples.


Because of the experiential nature of the training & the simplicity of the principle’s participants find the training sticks and they use the tools learned, decades after the training ended.

With over 9million graduates every part of the programme has been refined and delivered to offer maximum value. The training materials, books, online sessions, manual, App, and Evolve Learning Management system mean the tools are always available.


Is the Dale Carnegie Course a good fit for my business or industry?

In my experience it depends on the culture of the business or industry. If the culture is high ego and win at all costs as I have come across with some law, real estate, vehicle sales firms and corporates then probably not. We have long term clients in law, professional services, engineering, manufacturing, technology, hospitality, health care, disability sector and trades that have all used The Dale Carnegie Course as their primary development tool.


How does the Dale Carnegie Course fit with business strategy?

The program is a powerful tool to shift culture quickly, enabling people to work together and implement change. To achieve results and behavioral change there must first be a shift in attitudes, beliefs, and commitment. The Dale Carnegie Course is very effective and achieving this quickly. The Dale Carnegie principles are foundational for teamwork, leadership, sales, and service. The programme is usually part of a strategy that involves options for individual contributors, team leaders, operational managers, and senior leaders

Who do you work with?

Over the last 25years we have worked with over 1000 local companies. Current global accounts include ABB, Boeing, Caterpillar, Dell. Local clients include Trimax Mowing Systems, Waratah NZ, Pukepine Sawmills, Grayson Clements Law, Hiko Electrical, King Honey, The Reboubt Bar & Eatery.


How is the training delivered?

There are a variety of delivery formats depending on the region. In the Bay of Plenty and Waikato the training is delivered one day a week for 3 weeks plus a 90minute online Sustain session where participants report on the major benefit gained and their progress on their business improvement project. Guests are invited to this session. There is a 30minute one-on-one assessment/information session for each participant prior to day one.

This format works well with small, medium, and large companies as it is relatively easy to organise cover for a participant or team for one day. The spaced learning format also maximises application opportunities and progress on improvement projects. If a day is missed through sickness or another reason, we strongly encourage that person to make up the missed day on the next round.


The training can also be delivered over 3 consecutive days or over 6 half days (in Auckland). With in-company projects we organize the training to meet the client’s logistical needs.


What is the training methodology?

We use a 4-step cycle. First is to determine the results or outcomes. Second to ensure the correct attitude where participants understand the need, want to improve, believe they can improve and are committed to improve. Third we provide the correct knowledge, fourth we turn that knowledge into skills habits and behaviors through practice, coaching, and accountability for application.  The learning is experiential where we progress from knowing to experiencing to being. The emotional change drives the behavioral change and performance change.


Can the Dale Carnegie Course be customised for our industry?

With in-company projects all examples and language would be tailored for the client’s company. The coaching of each participant is tailored to their individual needs. For example, a GM or CEO might be coached on their ability to engage and inspire their staff and gets to practice on the class members. A new team leader might be coached on their self-belief and communication skills and gets to interact one on one with senior managers in the class. In short, each person gets what they need on the programme.


Is The Dale Carnegie Course a quality programme?

The programme started in 1912 and is the most successful leadership development programmes in history. It is delivered in 90 countries and 30 languages with over 9million graduates. In the Bay of Plenty & Waikato region we have graduated over 3500 people & have over 1000 testimonials/project reports on hand. The programme and trainer certification process are ISO9001:2016 accredited and our Net Promotor (promotors less detractors) score is 62.1% which is the highest in the industry (September 2019 based on 37,918 graduates). The textbook for the course How to Win Friends and Influence People is one of the most read nonfiction books in history.


What is the follow up and support?

Dale Carnegie programs come with a Learning Management System (LMS) called Evolve. This is an online portal which provides 12months access to course lessons, information, peer & trainer support, and additional resources before, during and after the in-person training days. This is in a multimedia format that is accessed on a computer or mobile device.


In addition, we have a Leadership Development Pathway which provides the next step for middle managers and senior leaders. Once 3 programs are completed participants qualify for the Organisational Leadership University Certificate.

Course graduates are taught coaching skills to support staff and newer graduates.

We run thought leadership seminars and publish whitepapers to keep graduates updated on the most recent developments and trends in leadership.


What is the likely business impact from the training?

Participants learn and practice these skills in the training. We then ask them to apply what they have learned the next week at work. The following week participants are asked to report back on specific incidents where they have applied their new skills. This keeps participants accountable for application and provides immediate improvement in results.

Participants also work on an Improvement Project, where they apply their new skills to improve some aspect of their work. A report on progress and outcomes is presented at the final session. Improvements vary from improved team engagement to measurable gains of tens of thousands of dollars.


The greatest impact is made where owners / senior managers are in alignment with the skills and values of the training having completed the training themselves or at least read the books (How to Win Friends & Influence People, How to Stop Worrying & Start Living). A team approach accelerates the impact on the business and culture as team members have the same set of tools and approaches to situations and keep each other accountable.


Can you train staff in different locations or countries?

Yes, the program is delivered in 90 countries and 30 languages by local facilitators. Tauranga clients have used local Dale Carnegie providers in Australia, US, and the UK.  Dale Carnegie & Associates has a Global Accounts team to coordinate larger scale regional or global projects.


Does The Dale Carnegie Course work for everyone?

No. The Dale Carnegie Course works well when a person is at the right stage of their personal & professional development. We do have leaders that are already very confident with good emotional intelligence who don’t need the training. They may still participate in the training to get to know their team better and to lead by example or we may recommend a higher-level program. Others who are facing deeper issues such as personal loss, poor self-belief or depression may need counseling or support before being ready to attend. We tend to have a wide range of experience and abilities from CEO to employees new to the workforce attend the same program.


Is the Dale Carnegie Course “American style” and not suitable for the kiwi culture?

The program is run in 90 countries by local trainers who tailor delivery for the local culture. We teach enthusiasm as one of the principles of success commonly seen in respected leaders and athletes and encourage participants to inject enthusiasm where and as appropriate.   


Is the training mainly about public speaking?

The Dale Carnegie Course uses speaking to groups on occasion as a way of growing confidence and communication skills. However, we do not coach on presentation skills and our High Impact Presentations program addresses this.


Is the Dale Carnegie Course best suited for salespeople?

The Dale Carnegie Course is primarily a leadership development program that is also very effective for salespeople. This is because salespeople need confidence, communication, interpersonal skills, leadership abilities and to be able to manage their attitude and stress. If a salesperson is already strong in these areas, we would recommend our Winning with Relationship Selling programme.


Do people have to open-up emotionally on the Dale Carnegie Course?

No, while there are opportunities to share emotionally on the course for example reporting back on the use of the worry and stress principles, it is completely up to the individual to choose what they share. Participants have a shared experience, and it is the emotional change (confidence growth, understanding why, clarification of values, commitment) that always precedes behavioral change.


Are there roll plays on The Dale Carnegie Course?

Yes, there are a couple of sessions where there are group roll plays. This is where participants interact as part of a team. We find people learn more about their capabilities when standing and doing than when sitting and watching.


Will my people be confident enough to do the Dale Carnegie Course?

Confidence are one of the main reasons to do the training, but most people start the program with apprehension. The good news is that we quickly build trust and confidence through a supportive environment and being careful not to throw anyone in the deep end or create any embarrassment. Sometimes we recommend participants start with our one-day seminar.


I have staff who are dyslexic and don’t like to read and write, will it work for them?

Absolutely! The principles are easy to remember (we use memory techniques) and the key part of the training is doing with minimal writing (if any).


How good are Dale Carnegie trainers?

Andrea Shaw delivers most of the BOP and Waikato Dale Carnegie Courses and has graduated over 3500 people through the Dale Carnegie Course over the last 25 years. Andrea has reached Carnegie Master status and is part of a team of 30 Carnegie Master’s, who oversee quality of the 3000 Carnegie trainers internationally. Our trainer quality process is ISO9001:2016 certified. Andrea’s goal is that graduates are excited by their own growth and are barely aware of how she has facilitated the process.


What qualification do graduates gain?

Participants receive a certificate of completion. Dale Carnegie has affiliations with Universities in the US and graduates can apply for a transcript for credit towards local diploma or degree program. When 3 Dale Carnegie programs are completed (The Dale Carnegie Course, Develop Your Leadership Potential, and Leadership Training for Results) the University Diploma Organisational Leadership is awarded.


Do you use assessments in the training?

In the pre-course interview each participant is assessed to determine their needs and objectives. We do have 360 assessments available but, in most cases, these are not necessary and can be a barrier to engagement. Once participants start on the training weaknesses are quickly addressed through the content and training process.


Does Dale Carnegie offer any other programs?

Yes, our Leadership Development Framework provides high value programs for people at all stages of their leadership journey.

Step Up to Leadership – one day seminar for new supervisors and managers.

The Dale Carnegie Course – 3 in person days over a month for leaders at all levels.

Develop Your Leadership Potential: Stop Doing Start Living. 3 in person days over a month for mid-level leaders,

Leadership Training for Results: Unleash Talent in Others. 3 in person days over a month for senior leaders.

We also have sales and presentations training and 160 90minute modules on a range of topics we deliver in-company. Coaching services are provided where additional support is required. 


What are the other leadership development options available in New Zealand?

The following list are well known local options.

·       Local Chamber of Commerce – Membership organisation providing low cost & convenient short courses.

·       EMA – Membership organization providing a range of advocacy and training services.

·       New Zealand Institute of Management – variety of courses

·       Project Management Institute (The Dale Carnegie Course counts as PDU’s)

·       MBA – University of Waikato (3 years)

·       Everest People – provide leadership and HR expertise in Hamilton

·       David Forman – Sales and Leadership training in Auckland

·       Icehouse – Strategic business growth & development in Auckland

