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Organizational Development
Organizational Development

Interpersonal Skills for Professionals

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Information zum Kurs

As a business professional success isn't based solely on your expertise, but also on how well you interact and communicate with others (your people skills). This seminar will give you processes and tools to sharpen your communication skills in order to strengthen relationships with co-workers, vendors and customers.

Inhalte des Trainings

1. Six Steps to Becoming Bias-Free2. How to Cultivate Diplomacy and Tact3. Strengthen relationships with co-workers, vendors and customers4. Tips for Thinking on Your Feet and Performing Well under Pressure5. The Six Rules for Disagreeing Agreeably

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Nutzen des Trainings

This seminar will give you processes and tools to strengthen relationships by embracing a cycle of professional success. You will understand the significance and impact of attitude, values, and perception on your interpersonal relationships. You will learn will be better positioned for success and promotion.

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Ziele des Trainings

This seminar will shed a new light on how to enhance your relationships in order to increase your chance of success by building an atmosphere of cooperation.

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