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People Skills

How To Communicate With Diplomacy & Tact Test (W)

Information zum Kurs

This webinar will help you influence outcomes and create cooperation through diplomatic and tactful communication. You’ll realize that standing up for yourself, when done effectively, doesn’t offend others; rather it strengthens your relationships and enables positive results through effective communication.

Inhalte des Trainings

Develop flexibility in your communication style and assess the intent of your messages against the outcomes. Learn to control your “hot buttons” and respond instead of reacting, maintain composure when criticized. Avoid conflict by staying calm and poised under pressure.

Nutzen des Trainings

You'll gain dexterity and grace in dealing with new or trying situations. You’ll recognize how you come across to others, learn to speak honestly and confidently, manage your emotions, give and receive criticism constructively, and present yourself as strong – but not intimidating.

Ziele des Trainings

This course sheds new light on your communication strengths and weaknesses. You’ll learn to disagree in an agreeable manner. Addressing difficult situations assertively and diplomatically, builds your image as a strong, fair-minded, leader.

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