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People Skills

Negotiations: Collaborate to Win Complimentary Workshop

اًمواضع الدورات التدريبية تتضمن أيض:

Negotiation is a part of the average workday, regardless of the position you hold. For salespeople, effective negotiation is core to both short- and long-term success. Expert negotiators are both adaptive and influential, ensuring outcomes benefit both sides and paving the way for enduring relationships.

ماذا ستتعلم

At this workshop, you develop the skills necessary to negotiate a win-win outcome. A variety of negotiation points, besides price, are explored that strengthen your proposal.

لم تريد تعلم ذلك

You will learn to reframe conversations and objections, resulting in a collaborative dialogue that earns trust and enables you to close the sale.

كيف ستساعدك

Adapt the characteristics and skills of an effective negotiator. Expand negotiation points to include topics other than price. Respond to a counterpoint logically rather than emotionally. Apply a process for negotiations.

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تحديد موقع
أسئلة؟ فقط اِسأل
سيتم استخدام هذه المعلومات التي تقدمها وفقًا لشروطنا سياسة الخصوصية.
طباعة الصفحة
Select the best option for you:
أي لغة
أي مدة زمنية
تحديد موقع
أسئلة؟ فقط اِسأل
سيتم استخدام هذه المعلومات التي تقدمها وفقًا لشروطنا سياسة الخصوصية.