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Create a Positive Work Environment & Enthusiastic People


In this seminar, you will develop skills that will help you to be more flexible, enthusiastic, open and approachable.

ماذا ستتعلم

You will focus on building skills in five interrelated areas: self-confidence, people skills, communication, leadership, and worry and stress. We call these fundamentals the Five Drivers of Success.

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لم تريد تعلم ذلك

Become a more effective leaders or managers.

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كيف ستساعدك

With leadership skills, you will soon gain enthusiastic cooperation from others, enabling you and your organization to be more productive.

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سيتم استخدام هذه المعلومات التي تقدمها وفقًا لشروطنا سياسة الخصوصية.